School motto
The original motto of the school was ‘PLAY THE GAME’ which appears to have been brought to the Burwood Domestic Science section of the school when the girls department was transferred from Burwood Superior Public School. This remained until 1958, the year the school status was elevated to that of full high school, when it was changed to the present motto ‘NOT FOR OURSELVES ALONE’.
Original school song
Words by E. Loeffler, sung to the tune 'Men of Harlech'.
Schoolgirls we in life’s clear morning,
Treading paths of sport and learning,
Sing with school-love in us burning
Burwood! Play the Game.
On the sports field thriving,
With our lessons striving,
Play or work, we never shirk,
The best in each all giving.
Blue and Gold our Flag floats o’er us,
Symbol of the Land that bore us,
Let us raise our voice in chorus,
Burwood! Play the Game.
Eyes with eager hopes are gleaming,
All of distant goals are dreaming,
Sing as upward we go climbing
Burwood! Play the Game.
Guiding us in learning,
Right from Wrong Discerning,
To keep us true in all we do,
Our teachers all are yearning.
Blue and Gold our Flag floats o’er us,
Symbol of the Land that bore us,
Let us raise our voice in chorus,
Burwood! Play the Game.
When our carefree youth is over,
And life’s troubles round us hover,
One phrase unsullied stands forever,
Burwood! Play the Game.
Strengthened by our Training,
All sordid things disdaining,
Pure and Good, Staunch Womanhood,
Naught our clear souls staining,
Our Flag in vision floating o’er us,
Will recall the School that loved us,
We’ll sing no matter what befalls us,
Burwood! Play the Game.
Note: The line ‘Burwood! Play the Game’ was altered with the changing of the school motto in 1958 to ‘Not for Ourselves Alone’.
School song – current version
Written in the late 1980’s by an English teacher, Tim Patson. Still sung to the tune 'Men of Harlech'.
Burwood Girls from many lands
Striving with our minds and hands
Now as one we proudly stand
Not for ourselves alone.
Who knows what lies ahead?
Different paths we’ll tread,
No matter what the challenges
We’ll face with all our skills.
In studies or in sport, our knowledge
Working honestly with courage,
In the future we will flourish
Not for ourselves alone.
1939-1953 - Miss Zillah Bocking
1954-1960 - Miss Isla Wilson
1961-1976 - Mrs Ermyn W Krippner
1978-1983 - Mr Jack Hensley
1984-1988 - Miss Elaine Peterson
1989-1990 - Mrs Nel Moody
1991-2001 - Ms Larissa Treskin
2002-present - Mrs Mia Kumar
School houses
1929 – North, South, East, West
1959 – Cumbora, Kayeroo, Kurrajong, Yorrell, Myall, Eurabbie. Myall and Eurabbie were later dropped.
2023 - Cora, Barangaroo, Bennelong, Pemulwuy
Our house colours