Burwood Girls High School offers the High Potential and Gifted Education program, formerly known as Gifted and Talented, to students in Year 7 and Year 8.
HPGE Coordinator: Ms Kristen Lee, PDHPE Faculty.
What is the Year 7 HPGE Program?
This program is an opportunity for you to extend yourself, be challenged and work on something you’re interested in, in addition to your regular classes.
The focus of the Year 7 program is the development of Rich Tasks across the curriculum. A Rich Task is a multi-faceted and challenging piece of work that is problem based and engages the learner and connects to the world beyond the classroom. Rich Tasks are negotiated with each student in terms of task concept, framework, skills involved, outcomes targeted, project mode and timeline.
Gaining selection for the HPGE program
There is no test to apply for the program. Selection happens in Year 7, early in Term 1, generally after the students have attended Year 7 camp and settled into high school.
All students must self-nominate by creating a 1 minute video that tells us a little bit about yourself and why you want to be part of the HPGE program.
Then, a combination of considerations include:
- The self-nomination video
- Scores in NAPLAN and Best Start Year 7 tests
- Parent nominations using the checklist provided
- Teacher nominations and professional judgement
- One-on-one Interviews with the HPGE coordinator
For more details about the selection process: HPGE Selection Task Letter Year 7 2024 (PDF 226KB)
For Year 7 Parents to nominate their child: https://forms.gle/7cHg9RHDjyf2ZoZB6
Year 8 HPGE program
In 2025 a Year 8 HPGE class will be established as a trial initiative. Students have been selected based on their achievements in Year 7 and will be in this class for English, Drama, Science, HSIE and PDHPE.
The purpose of the program is to provide opportunities to challenge students in these curriculum areas so students will get an opportunity to develop their existing talents and build new skills.