Burwood Girls High School

Not for ourselves alone

Telephone02 9747 3355


Parents and Citizens Association

Our Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) is made up of parents and carers, teachers and community members. The P&C meets regularly to contribute to decision-making, developing policies and management plans as well as fundraising and school improvement.

All parents and carers are welcome to attend meetings, as it is the best way to find out what's happening at the school, what's planned for the future and how you can be involved.

Meetings provide an opportunity for the principal to receive feedback from parents and caregivers. It is also a forum for new ideas and suggestions; so come and have your say.


Third Wednesday of the month, 7:00pm in Room 15, during school terms.

Variations to dates are notified here and in the parent newsletter.

Light refreshments are provided and we often have a guest speaker. Parking is available in the Queen Street car park at the front of the school. 

Parents can submit items for the agenda at any time. The Agenda will be distributed a week before each meeting.

You may raise items on the night under Other Business. Financial motions need to be in a minimum of the week before.

Parents and citizens projects

Our P&C is actively involved in improving the school environment, for example, creating beds for flowers and trees, installing synthetic grass in the playground and repairing or replacing tables and seating in the playground for the benefit of students. Major projects and working bees are advertised in the school newsletter and volunteers are always welcome. Refer to special projects for more information.

Current executive members

Our P&C executive is made up of: 

  • President - Kara Gabbett
  • Vice President - Marnie Noor and KT Wlodarczyk
  • Treasurer - Isaac Kuruvilla
  • Assistant Treasurer - Chiara Cenati
  • Secretary - Cat Rodie
  • General Committee Members - Briony Micah

Contact our parents and citizens association

You can contact the P&C executive team by emailing them at pandc.bghs@gmail.com.