Burwood Girls High School

Not For Ourselves Alone

Telephone02 9747 3355


Debating and Public Speaking


2024 Debating Team

Coordinated by Ms Colette Cleary and Ms Kay Chen from English, Debating is an excellent activity for students looking to develop their skills in public speaking, critical thinking, writing, time management, teamwork, and communication. Students from Years 7-12 are welcome to attend regular workshops at school to develop these skills and work with their peers as they learn about debating techniques, and strategies, and compete in friendly matches. Each year, Burwood Girls High School also enters teams into the Premier's Debating Challenge, inviting students in Years 9-12 to compete against teams from other schools in NSW. There are opportunities for our debating students to go on multiple excursions throughout the year and to try-out for specialty competitions such as the Junior State Debating Championships.

Joining the Debating Team

Debate Team at USYD

Debating is open to all students from Years 7 to 12. The number of teams varies from year to year depending upon the number of entrants. There are three ways students can enter debating competitions.

A debating meeting is advertised at the beginning of each year in the Daily Notices on the Sentral portal. At the initial meeting, the debating co-ordinator will place the names of the interested students on a list of hopefuls! The girls will be asked to prepare a speech on a topic of their choice which they then deliver at a subsequent meeting. Most of the girls who are interested in debating also have a natural aptitude for arguing a case in a civilized and convincing manner. Often junior students will have prior experience of debating from primary school competitions.

However, experience is not absolutely necessary as students can also join the debating team by expressing their interest to the coordinator. Teachers may nominate students who have the potential to be effective debaters.

Practice and Workshop Times

Practice is on Friday Week B Lunchtimes, locations/rooms for 2025 to be added. 

Workshops are supervised by teachers from the English staff.