Burwood Girls High School

Not For Ourselves Alone

Telephone02 9747 3355



Our school offers students an extensive range of co-curricular activities, some as part of the curriculum. From time to time, we offer overseas language or cultural study tours.


This is an overview of clubs and activities that are generally available, listed alphabetically. Individual clubs and activities are subject to change.

Updated information on club activities is available on 'daily notices' on the Sentral student portal.


Burwood Ensemble Program

Director: Mr Andy Del Riccio, CAPA. Refer to the Burwood Ensemble Program page for details.
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Drama Club (Year 7)

Organiser: Ms Fiona Hallenan-Barker, English.

1:15-1:55pm Fridays in the Performance Space

All year 7 students, regardless of experience,  are welcome at Drama Club on Friday lunchtimes.  Through fun and games students will learn to develop their collaborative, creative and communication skills.  Students will have the opportunity to perform at various school events and local festivals.

Duke of Ed

Duke of Ed

Organiser: Mr Alex Richardson, Science. Learn a skill, improve your physical wellbeing, volunteer in the community and go on an adventure.
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Theatresports (Year 8)

Organiser: Mr Michael Gallaway, English.

Available from Term 3

Theatresports develops students' spontaneity and critical thinking skills through the art of improvisation. Working with an external tutor, students will train to compete in the Theatresports Schools Challenge in Term 4.  All Year 8 students are welcome to apply.  Applications will open in Term 2.

For information regarding the junior NSW public schools drama ensembles and auditions, click this link.

Theatresports® is now at Burwood Girls! Be part of the team and enjoy being on stage with your friends. Think… ‘Thank God You’re Here’, ‘Whose Line Is It Anyway’, think Burwood Girls Theatresports team! Anyone in Years 9-12 who want to learn to think on their feet, improve their confidence and have some fun with the team are welcome.

Tiddas Girls and Fusion Australia

Organiser: Jack Butler, HSIE.

Meeting dates and times to be advised.

The Aboriginal word Tidda means girl or female friend, best friend, peer – and in Koori English it means sister. A group of Burwood ‘sisters’ lead initiatives to raise awareness and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture within our school. We encourage all Indigenous students and other interested students from Years 7 to 12 to participate.

As part of your child’s experience and appreciation for their Pacific Island community, Burwood Girls High School has organised workshops in partnership with Fusion Australia. Your child has been working towards creating a community of leaders by exploring positive personal practice within the school among their fellow Pacific Island peers. This workshop will enable them to experience and engage in a program designed to be culturally relevant for Pacific Islander Youth.


Creative Club

Organiser: Ms Xanthe Warren, CAPA.

Fridays lunchtime in the Clay Room




Coordinator: Ms Krissy Lee, PDHPE. Refer to the Dance page for more details.
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Organiser: Ms Colette Cleary and Ms Kay Chen, English. Friday, Week B, Lunchtime
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Knockout (KO) Sport

Organiser: Ms Janelle Gianotti, PDHPE.

If you are talented in a specific sport and would like to participate at a competitive level against other high schools, listen carefully to announcements calling for student players for knockout teams. We usually field KO teams in netball, basketball, soccer, indoor soccer (futsal), water polo, volleyball, touch football and Ultimate Frisbee.


Shakespeare for Breakfast (Year 9)

Organiser: Ms Fiona Hallenan-Barker, English.

8:00-8:40am Fridays in the Performance Space

The Shakespeare for Breakfast program focuses on the Bell Shakespeare women in theatre program piloted at Burwood GHS during 2024.  Students will explore Shakespeare's female characters in the context in which they were written and examine this in comparison to the female experience of today through embodied learning.  Year 9 students of all genders are welcome, some drama experience is desirable. In Term 2 students will perform at the Sport for Jove Shakespeare Carnival. In Term 3 students will create a film for the Bell Shakespeare Shorts Festival. Shakespeare for Breakfast will run on Friday mornings before school at 8:00am, croissants and juice will be provided.


True Colours

Organiser: Mx Kit Stavert and Mr Michael Gallaway, English.

Lunch, Fridays Week B in Room 11

True Colours is BurwoodGHS’s rainbow youth group for LGBTQIA+ students and their allies. The group provides student leadership opportunities and support for rainbow youth and their families. True Colours organises the celebration of key events on the rainbow calendar, such as Mardi Gras and Wear it Purple, and helps to raise awareness regarding the discrimination facing those members of our community with diverse sexuality and gender identities. True Colours meets at lunchtime in Room 11 Wednesday Week B. All students and staff are very welcome!